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i am 13 and shy to ask my mom about sex ed. dont worry i dont do it i know im not vitro fertilisation used in exceptional cases and every married couple have sex to produce kids
Best answer:
Answer by Nightshift 97% of sex is for pleasure. Well maybe its 99.9%. Either way producing kids most time isn't the objective however it can be the outcome.
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I have and it ranks up there as one of my best experiences ever! Neither of us were involved with any one else and we never dated, just hooked up for some good old back room, stress relieving, mind blowing sex! Highly recommended!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by slave2luv_xxx Yep,we did it in the bar cooler,I didn't feel the cold at
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like, Better, Nice, photos, help, Need, still, could, Again, starting
Question by Josh Smith:
I need help with my ex. Im starting to like her again. Could she still like me? Help!!!?
OK me and this girl dated for about 2 months. And she ended up wanting to become 'friends for now' so we did. I think it was because we barely knew each other and we got together so fast and she was afraid to fall for someone she barely knew. she ended up dating her lifelong best friend shortly after but they broke up because he cheated on her twice. but the whole time she still considered me a good friend
But the other Friday she chatted me up on facebook and was typing all drunk and said she had sex with her friend TJ and she told me how she has sex with every guy she meets. and I called her a liar and she sobered up real fast and started typing normal. ended up she lying so I blew up on her and she told me I was basically a whole bunch of cuss words. and I asked her why she doesn't tell her best friend/ex about how she is and she said because he's my ex and part of my past.. and I felt bad so I apologized last Monday and on last Friday out of no where she walked up to me in the hall all nice and stuff as a friend and smiling just wanting to talk. and lately whenever class is changing and I see her she always comes up and talks to me and we joke around and say what's up and all that. she's talking to me in person more and more at school whenever i see her, but she does not really text me much. So basically I'm wanting to know if she's "easy" and if she could still like me. here's some facts about her.
1. other then me and her best friend/ex she hasn't posted any relationship statuses on facebook since she joined nearly 4 years ago 2. a few mutual friends has said they've never seen her have a boyfriend or talk to any guys 3. she called me drunk one time and said she's scared of guys and their weird and I'm the only guy she ever really has liked 4. it took like a month for a like half second kiss 5. me and her never did anything sexual when we was together neither did her and her best friend/recent ex 6. when I partied with her everyone was up socializing and dancing and she didn't talk to any guys she just sat almost by herself(she said she goes to parties to do stuff with guys drunk but even when she was drunk she just sat their and didn't even talk to one guy out of like 40 people not even me when later she admitted she liked me when she was at that party). 7. She's the kind that's scared to fall in love 8. Her best friends a wh0r3 and everyone says she is but they all say my ex never messes with guys 9. She still thinks I'm a great friend and tried to make me jealous. She still talks to me but not her best friend/ex? and she still talks to me though and tells me everything and trusts me
Basically I like her still. I know it sounds crazy but I do. All I want to know is before I try to reconcile with her in the future is. Does it sound like she is a wh0r3? or just a girl who parties to have fun with her friends and lied about it to get me jealous or something like that. And could she still like me since she still talks to me trusts me and tried to make me jeal
Best answer:
Answer by Just me There is only one way to find out and that is to ask her out. I do not think she is a whore, I think it's BS to make her look cool. Good luck.
*They donât pick up the phone You convinced her to give you her number and youâre feeling good about yourself. Your charm and good looks have obviously made an impression on her. Unfortunately, when you try to call, she doesnât pick up or, worse yet, sheâs given you a fake number.
*Use men for free drinks Some women go out never planning to spend any of their own money on drinks at the bar or club. Instead, they count on their feminine wiles to convince guys to shell out for their libations. Some of these women will take the opportunity of a guy buying a drink for her to begin to get to know him, but others (the cruel and heartless ones) will take that drink, flirt a little and move on to the next sucker with money to burn
*Use men as placeholders Maybe youâve been in a relationship for a while and you notice that her eye is starting to wander. Sheâs starting more fights with you or not bothering to fight at all anymore. Her friends get quiet when you walk into a room. Sheâs avoiding your phone calls. Her things are disappearing from your place. The AM article Breakup Warning Signs talked about all these hints that sheâs thinking about putting an end to your relationship and, well, theyâre cruel things
*Emotionally manipulate men Men donât like to see women cry and some cruel women will take advantage of this fact and use it to get what they want. In general, women are much more emotional than men and itâs easy for some women to use a manâs complete incomprehension of female feelings to get something out of him. A few well-placed tears or a temper tantrum and most men will do anything to get it to stop
*Use physical violence Men are usually raised with the idea that hitting girls is a major no-no. Unfortunately, there are some cruel women who use this aspect of a manâs personality to gain power over him. In the minds of some women, itâs perfectly acceptable to slap a boyfriend across the face when he says something to piss her off. Knowing that he would never hit her back, this type of woman feels like she can inflict any kind physical pain on him without fear of repercussion. A man is also less likely to tell someone about suffering physical violence at the hands of his girlfriend if he believes heâll be thought of as weak or pathetic
*Criticize their men in public A growing trend in television shows and commercials is that of depicting men as bumbling idiots, while their wives and girlfriends are intelligent, in control and flawless. This may contribute to the real life practice of cruel women who criticize and humiliate their men in public places. Women can get away with this in ways that men would never be allowed to. When a woman pokes fun at her man or even soundly debases him, the group surrounding them is more likely to laugh than to be appalled.
*They donât disclose their relationship status Youâve pulled out all your best moves and you seem to be making progress with the cute girl youâve just met. When you finally get to the point when you feel you can safely ask for her number, she smiles and says: âI have a boyfriend.â That information would have been nice to have at the beginning of the conversation. Itâs certainly not the worst thing a woman could do to a man, but it is annoying when she lets you assume that sheâs available so that she can enjoy your flirtation and flattery
*They withhold sex This is a time-tested, and frequently used, cruel thing for women to do to men. For most men, sex is as important as breathing, so withholding it in order to get something she wants or simply to punish her man for his transgressions is a pretty awful thing to do, even if it is effective
*They test their men Youâre all ready to go for a night out with your friends, when your girlfriend calls and asks you to change your plans to be with her instead. She doesnât have any particular reason; she just wants to see you. She knows that you had plans to meet up with the guys, but if you really loved her, youâd come over to her place instead. If her request comes with an âif you really loved me,â then itâs a test. If you choose anything other than immediately rushing to her side, youâre going to fail. This kind of testing in a relationship is indeed cruel and petty.
*They flirt to inspire jealousy Maybe sheâs feeling underappreciated, maybe youâve just had a big fight or maybe she just enjoys the tortured look on your face. For whatever reason, girls who flirt obviously with other guys in front of their boyfriends are immature and manipulative
Best answer:
Answer by MARVEL at this!! stick you with alimony.
11/21/2004 Another Day in Rome! The Colossium, and old Roman Stuff.
tags: rome italy heather rich
(these are my fragmented notes from the time...sorry if they suck)
My Plan for day two...
Pantheon to
piazza venezia
to capital hill museums maybe
check out the underground passage to the tabularium
back door to forum?
(or do it backwards and have lunch in the pantheon->trevi fountain alley)
Lunch...(that seems way ambitous!)
metro to train station
ATAC 110 bus tour
Cappucin Cruypt
Borghese museum
....that is all I want for tomorrow :-).
What actually happened...
Palatine hill
mediocre lunch
gellati! wonderful
tried to go to cappucin...failed because it was closed
got lost trying to get back...finally took a bus.
looked at pictures at the hotel
went to dinner down the street-best meal so far.
great great sex! I mean, great sex.
Incredibly tired out legs!
The Coleseum made passion bubble inside. There was an exhibit, something like 'The city in the present of the Past' or somesuch, that seemed like a post-processional view of the archeology of ancient rome, and how it integrates with the present.
The outer ring was closed off into an exhibit space with a long screen weaving around like a ribbon. Movies and slides were projected onto this ribbon from both sides, so sometimes you could read text, and other times the text was in reverse, so you could read it from the other side. Funny, it was the most moving part of the colloseum to me, and I didn't take a picture...the catalog for the exhibit was for sale in the book shop, but it was only in Italian. It included shots of excavating something old during WWII. Mussilinni was trying to connect the power of Italy in the 20th century with the power of Imperial Rome...or something.
We wandered to the Forum, but first ended up at a convent at the top of the hill, dead ending. I recorded the sounds of birds. then we went up the palatine hill. Both were beautiful, but probably lead to a bit of footsoreness by the Borghese!
Of note...there is an alter to Julius Ceaser marking the spot where he was cremated. There is a mound there, and there are flowers on it...people bring flowers to Ceaser.
We took the metro to the colleseum. You walk out of the station and BOOM! You are there. We tourned the colleseum, up to a convent, up palatine hill, through the forum, up capital hill, down to the pantheon, across past trevi fountain again, up to the capuccin crypts...all on foot. Then a bus to sort of near the borghese, and then 2 hours in the borghese...that was almost, but not quite, enough time. Then a long time being lost, and a 20 minute wait in the cold for a bus. Tuesday night, jumping ahead in our narrative, heather bought gloves in Florence while I checked email, but she didn't have them yet, and she was frozen! Bus a bit, then out to dinner then our great sex and bed!
The Pantheon was another big win! One detail of overheard conversation. An older Italian gentleman, talking to what seemed like friends. "Italy had four kings before it became a Republic. the first emmanual... is buried here, and his son was...and is buried on the other side."
The first two kings of Italy are buried in the Pantheon...and so is botticelli? ruben? Someone...who was then disinterred a hundred or two years later to just check up on him...there is a painting of that process.
Image by Rich Gibson
11/21/2004 Another Day in Rome! The Colossium, and old Roman Stuff.
tags: rome italy heather rich
(these are my fragmented notes from the time...sorry if they suck)
My Plan for day two...
Pantheon to
piazza venezia
to capital hill museums maybe
check out the underground passage to the tabularium
back door to forum?
(or do it backwards and have lunch in the pantheon->trevi fountain alley)
Lunch...(that seems way ambitous!)
metro to train station
ATAC 110 bus tour
Cappucin Cruypt
Borghese museum
....that is all I want for tomorrow :-).
What actually happened...
Palatine hill
mediocre lunch
gellati! wonderful
tried to go to cappucin...failed because it was closed
got lost trying to get back...finally took a bus.
looked at pictures at the hotel
went to dinner down the street-best meal so far.
great great sex! I mean, great sex.
Incredibly tired out legs!
The Coleseum made passion bubble inside. There was an exhibit, something like 'The city in the present of the Past' or somesuch, that seemed like a post-processional view of the archeology of ancient rome, and how it integrates with the present.
The outer ring was closed off into an exhibit space with a long screen weaving around like a ribbon. Movies and slides were projected onto this ribbon from both sides, so sometimes you could read text, and other times the text was in reverse, so you could read it from the other side. Funny, it was the most moving part of the colloseum to me, and I didn't take a picture...the catalog for the exhibit was for sale in the book shop, but it was only in Italian. It included shots of excavating something old during WWII. Mussilinni was trying to connect the power of Italy in the 20th century with the power of Imperial Rome...or something.
We wandered to the Forum, but first ended up at a convent at the top of the hill, dead ending. I recorded the sounds of birds. then we went up the palatine hill. Both were beautiful, but probably lead to a bit of footsoreness by the Borghese!
Of note...there is an alter to Julius Ceaser marking the spot where he was cremated. There is a mound there, and there are flowers on it...people bring flowers to Ceaser.
We took the metro to the colleseum. You walk out of the station and BOOM! You are there. We tourned the colleseum, up to a convent, up palatine hill, through the forum, up capital hill, down to the pantheon, across past trevi fountain again, up to the capuccin crypts...all on foot. Then a bus to sort of near the borghese, and then 2 hours in the borghese...that was almost, but not quite, enough time. Then a long time being lost, and a 20 minute wait in the cold for a bus. Tuesday night, jumping ahead in our narrative, heather bought gloves in Florence while I checked email, but she didn't have them yet, and she was frozen! Bus a bit, then out to dinner then our great sex and bed!
The Pantheon was another big win! One detail of overheard conversation. An older Italian gentleman, talking to what seemed like friends. "Italy had four kings before it became a Republic. the first emmanual... is buried here, and his son was...and is buried on the other side."
The first two kings of Italy are buried in the Pantheon...and so is botticelli? ruben? Someone...who was then disinterred a hundred or two years later to just check up on him...there is a painting of that process.